Saturday, April 11, 2009

Week 9 Thing 20

I have heard of Teacher Tube but never used it. It was easy to set up an account. It was great to look at some of the different videos. I posted one to my blog about fractions that is a rap video. We have been working on fractions in my classroom and thought this would be a great way to motivate and teach my students. I am going to take advantage of Teacher Tube in the future to introduce lessons or reinforce concepts. There are so many different topics and types of videos.
While taking this class I have also used YouTube and watched videos to assist me with some of the tools we have been using throughout this class.
If used appropriately these are both great resources.

1 comment:

  1. They also give students a way to publish their work to a wider audience. It is amazing what people have done and shared. I also often use it when I am looking for a tutorial or two.

